During this difficult time, and with so many of us feeling isolated away from friends, family and colleagues, we thought now would be a great time to focus on the positives and celebrate the achievements of a few of our newest Style Coaches™ who graduated with Honours last month.
Studying to become a personal stylist is one of the most enjoyable learning journeys you can embark on (especially since you get to discover more about the topics you love the most, and the ‘end reward’ is the beginning of your dream career!) But, make no mistake… Although the journey is fun, changing careers and trying something new usually means stepping outside your comfort zone, taking a leap of faith, and investing time, effort and bucketloads of dedication!
Our latest honours graduates understand that certification is not something that could simply be given to them, it is something they had to earn. That’s why we’re taking time out today to acknowledge their efforts – and the efforts of all students – because when someone becomes an ‘overnight success’ or graduates as an Accredited Style Coach™ it’s because they devoted themselves to achieving something extraordinary.
Becoming certified as an image consultant or personal stylist is certainly an achievement to be proud of, but the real reason for celebration is the personal journey that each student took in order to earn their certification, and where their career dreams will lead them next. So let’s meet Jaidevi from India, Gurjit from Hong Kong, and Einas from Abu Dhabi…
Introducing Jaidevi Mehta, Certified Style Coach™ in India
Before starting her career in Style Coaching™, Jaidevi (who lives in the beautiful city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India) was a Graphologist, a Zumba instructor and a voice over artist. She had also worked hard to earn herself two Masters degrees.
When we asked Jaidevi whether she had always hoped to become a personal stylist, she acknowledged the role of her mother, a practicing psychologist who Jaidevi counts as her first teacher. Growing up, she developed a keen interest for styling, while also understanding from her mother the importance of body language and expressing one’s personality. Jaidevi also discovered a love of motivating people, and encouraging self-care through grooming and personal fitness. She believes that all these factors contributed to her realisation that Style Coaching™ was her perfect career choice.
“I always want to walk that extra mile to ensure things are perfect for my clients, and helping them to achieve their next milestone fills my heart with pride! My dream is to touch upon as many lives I can.”
Jaidevi was a student on our 2019 Style Coach™ Diploma Course in London, where she joined a VIP group of aspiring personal stylists who had travelled from all over the world to prepare for a new career in personal styling. When we asked Jaidevi what she enjoyed most about the London course, she told us, “Everything!! Each and every moment made me feel lucky. The energy in the room with all the beautiful ladies was so enthusiastic and fun. The time just flew by. I was so happy to go through all the stages of Style Coach™ course and I wanted to learn more and more about it. One of the most memorable days was when we studied and practiced colour analysis. We had a gala time trying it out on each other.”
Jaidevi also says that she would love to see her personal styling business grow tremendously over the next few years. “It’s been 3 weeks since I have launched my venture, and even though we are in quarantine, I have been able to get two clients who would like to do their makeover after the lockdown. It’s so mesmerising to have such a great response in this small city where awareness about image consultants is bare minimum.”
When asked what advice she has for anyone considering a career in personal styling or Style Coaching™, Jaidevi suggests that you have the courage to follow your heart and have trust in your intuitions. “If you are not so confident with choosing this career then begin by just working on weekends. Make your own mark and get ready to step into the industry with a bang. If I can do it, then you can too.”
Jaidevi believes that her USP comes from her love of minimalism – she has a talent for carrying out makeovers for her clients with limited resources and using a small budget. She believes that by enhancing a person’s features, matching their image with their personality, and helping them to develop inner confidence that dramatic transformations are indeed possible.
If you’d like to follow Jaidevi’s career then you can connect with her on Instagram @Stylecoachjd, YouTube @Stylecoachjd or email her your questions to stylecoachjd@gmail.com
Introducing Gurjit Kaur, Certified Style Coach™ in Hong Kong
Gurjit couldn’t be happier to finally graduate as a Certified Style Coach™ and, like our honours graduates, she worked hard to achieve our highest grading.
“I always had a dream that I wanted to have my own business which would not just make me an income, but would also inspire, uplift, empower & make a difference in the lives of others. I thought of so many different things and tried a few, but I was not getting the satisfaction I was looking for. That was until early last year when I started researching Personal Styling Careers.”
Gurjit had always been inspired by style, fashion and trends, and worked with many celebrities, models and magazines during her former career as a part-time make-up artist.
“After about 6-7 years, I started feeling that it was not for me anymore. I wanted to do something more… Something different. I focused for a while on my full-time corporate job but always felt that there was something else out there for me. My research into fulfilling professions led me to consider Personal Styling and Image Consultancy – the idea of this resonated with me, but when I saw many image consultant institutes still taking that old traditional approach I wasn’t sure if it would make me happy for the rest of my life. When I found the “Style Coaching Institute” I realised it was different. I kept on coming back to the website over and over again. It was the one that I could connect and resonate with it wasn’t only about looking good but helping people to feel good too.”
When she discovered Style Coaching™, Gurjit believed that this was what many, many people were missing out on in their lives and could benefit from tremendously. At the same time, she was feeling sceptical and it took her some time to make her final decision. In her own words, “It took me awhile to make this decision because I wanted to be ultra, ultra-sure about it. And, VOILA! It turned out to be the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Gurjit told us that she thoroughly enjoyed each and every moment of the Online Style Coach™ Diploma Course that she studied from her home in Hong Kong.
“The online course is so detailed and goes into lots of depth. I felt so ready once I was done. All the support that I’ve received from my mentor Kate was just applaudable. She is very professional, efficient, thorough & yet sweet at the same time. Thank you, Kate, for being such an amazing mentor!!”
Gurjit is now working with several women who are benefiting in countless ways from her Style Coaching™ talents. She tells us that this is what true happiness and satisfaction is for her: to see so many people empowered and uplifted in different ways (happy, stylish, confident, with renewed energy, feeling lots of satisfaction with their enhanced personalities).
“This is exactly what I have been wanting to do. There is so much fulfilment that comes from a career in Style Coaching™. The education that I have been so lucky to take from Style Coaching Institute® is making a huge impact in people’s lives. I am so passionate and enthusiastic about my work that I am now expanding my business to many more South Asian countries and not just limiting myself to Hong Kong. I know this work can do wonders in the lives of others, so why not make it available to many more? Everyone deserves to live a better, more stylish, confident and complete life.”
If you’d like to follow Gurjit’s career then please take a peek at her website www.styleyourselfamazing.com or follow her over on Instagram and Facebook @styleyourselfamazing
Introducing Einas Al Ameri, Certified Style Coach™ in Abu Dhabi
Einas was one of the first Style Coaching™ students who studied with us in Dubai at the start of the year (luckily just before the COVID-19 outbreak). The VIP styling course was hosted at Galeries Lafayette by our master trainer for the Middle East (Rana Harake).
Einas has since graduated with an Honours Diploma and tells us that when a client comes to her looking to enhance or even completely alter their current style, they will get spot-on styling solutions, grow in confidence and develop positive body-image, so they can feel good when they look in the mirror – no matter what. Einas also shares with us that her brand, “Kunie” is an Arabic word that means BE. Harmonising with this word, Kunie celebrates all women, their presence and their successes. Every woman should BE herself, as she’s unique and beautiful in her own skin regardless of her shape, size, age or any other box she feels pressured to fit into.
“I’m a people-person, I enjoy interacting with people from all races, backgrounds and ethnicities. Empowering people and seeing the joy that a touch of style could bring to their lives is something rewarding. Coming from a former career in an airline, my love to travel and exploring the world, along with my background in Corporate Communication and strategic management give me the confidence to pursue my passion. I also take pride in my ability to listen, problem solve in a way that directly ties to my personal passion.”
Einas explains that being a certified Style Coach™ allows her to bridge her personality and interests with her values and beliefs in life:
“I’m a strong believer that inner beauty is always complemented with the outer beauty, because inner beauty is something that your age can’t take away; it remains with you. I also believe in authenticity and being ourselves, confident in our own skin.”
We discovered from Einas that she feels she was born to be a creative and intuitive person. She loves to find ways to express inner feelings in the outer world. One of those she achieves this is through the expression of her personal style. She believes that having a sense of style and an eye for harmonious colours, helped her to create her own unique style. “It’s okay to go against the norm and maintain a trend-setting mindset – everybody is unique so every choice we make is going to be unique and beautiful.”
Einas tells us that with ‘Kunie’ her clients will stand out from the crowd with confidence and inner satisfaction, without compromising on their style. She believes that if you feel good on the inside you’ll definitely look good on the outside, and your style will only amplify the true beauty that is within you! When we asked Einas what she is most looking forward to in her future career as a Style Coach™, she answered, “Making a positive impact in women’s lives. I want to help other women believe in themselves and embrace who they are, confidently and authentically.”
Interestingly, Einas also revealed that she hadn’t always considered a career in personal styling. Instead, it was something that developed at a later stage in her life when she realised the importance of image and style when it comes to boosting one’s confidence and opportunities. “I did think of becoming a fashion designer after a lot of encouragement from people around me who admired my style and saw a potential in what I could offer. But deep inside I felt this was not what I was looking for. I wanted to pursue something deeper and more meaningful, where I could touch someone’s life and hopefully make a positive change in their image and style. That’s when I came across the Style Coach™ training in Dubai, and the shift happened.”
We asked Einas if she could share one piece of career advice with our readers who might be thinking about a career in Style Coaching™. Here’s what she shared: “If you really have a passion for style and coaching, and you have the right mindset to pursue this career, then you should go for it. Most importantly, be aware that as beautiful and fun as this job might sound, it does also require a lot of patience, hard work and an open mind.”
If you’d like to follow Einas through her career journey with ‘Kunie’ then you can find her over on Instagram @kunie.with.einas. She will be launching her website soon, so keep an eye on this space and we’ll share the link when it is ready. In the meanwhile, you can also email einas@kuniewitheinas.com

Are you looking to make the most of this challenging time in lockdown?
We’re blessed and appreciative to be able to confirm that our Online Diploma Course is unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic and is available to begin now. We also have live courses provisionally scheduled in London, the Middle East and Italy. Contact our team to find out how we can still help you become a Certified Style Coach™ in 2020!
Why not use this time to earn a qualification & skills that will empower you to start a new career? Successful Style Coaching Institute® graduates – GSCI(hons) – are awarded a Diploma Certificate in Professional Style Coaching™ – Dip, PSC – and are issued with an exclusive licence to represent themselves internationally as authentic Style Coaches™ and use our internationally registered trademark. Graduates are also added to a worldwide register of certified Style Coaches™ so that their credentials can be verified on demand.
This certification makes our graduates eligible to gain accreditation through the International Association of Style Coaches™ (MIASC). We provide a 6-month complimentary membership package to all students of the Style Coaching Institute® so they can try it out for free and graduates are automatically eligible for accredited status without taking any further courses. The IASC is a dynamic organisation offering you the chance to network extensively with other image professionals and develop your professional image career via Monthly Business Masterclasses, live webinars hosted throughout the year, and monthly downloadable resources. Members also have access to the IASC community group for chatting, discussing relevant topics, and gaining vocation-specific support.
Our award-winning team has 15 years of experience of training students online, and we’ve helped 1700+ people in 90+ countries to create successful businesses as Style Coaches, personal stylists and personal shoppers, so we are confident that we can help you to do the same. We can’t wait to welcome you!