Unique Holistic Personal Stylist & Image Consultant Training

Success Story: Maha Alangari | London Fashion Stylist

Style Coaching Institute® graduate, Maha Alangari, is a personal stylist & fashion buyer on a mission! She believes that feeling beautiful & loving your style empowers you to face daily life with confidence. With a wealth of knowledge & experience, Maha is ready to elevate her career to the next level. We interview her to find out why the future looks bright for this rising star of style.

I am a graduate of the Style Coaching Institute® having successfully completed their diploma with an honours grade just this year. Since then, I have expanded my successful personal styling company by diversifying and offering a much more holistic service to my styling clients in London. My former work as a fashion stylist and fashion buyer was very rewarding, and it’s true to say that I always had a passion for fashion and creativity. I started being a fashion buyer at a very young age and was fortunate to develop great experience over many years. However, I reached the point where I felt I had the energy and ambition to do much more and to be even more creative, so it was then that I decided to launch my fashion styling business. I wanted to maximise my creativity, and to make my clients look and feel their best by cultivating self-confidence and self-love.

Although I was successful in fashion buying and styling for many years, I felt the urge to expand my career to include Style Coaching™ because I love to constantly develop and improve myself. I wanted to take my fashion styling experience to a whole new, advanced, deep, and holistic level. I wanted to become a Style Coach™ not because I’m passionate about styling and fashion but because I want to empower others on a deeper and more profound level and see my clients develop from the inside as well as the outside. When I think about what brings me the most joy and fulfilment, I realise that it is simply making my clients feel genuinely happy, and helping them to develop a sense of their own style that works with their shape and size. I also feel incredibly fulfilled by helping them to boost their self-esteem, confidence, and seeing the great results of their improved lifestyle.

During these times, I am often asked how COVID-19 has impacted my work as a stylist, but I am pleased to say that I embraced the opportunity to do something positive during the early days of lockdown by starting my studies to become an accredited Style Coach™. It would have been challenging to schedule time to do the Style Coaching™ course during my usual work routine, so I feel so happy to have taken advantage of the extra availability I had. It has been a time full of learning, in which I have attended fantastic masterclasses, engaged with my followers, and created great content for my social media!

Now that I am elevating my career to include Style Coaching™, I’m looking forward to seeing great results with very satisfied and happy clients. I also believe I will be able to live a more fulfilled and balanced life that reflects my values. I’m excited about helping others to connect with their true self, enabling each unique individual to shine with inner self-confidence and self-acceptance. When nearing the end of my Style Coaching™ course, I had to complete a case study where I applied all my new Style Coaching™ skills to help my client achieve an inner and outer makeover. I loved helping her concentrate on her best features and enhancing her natural beauty. Her transformation mentally and physically was phenomenal… I had tears in my eyes when I saw how beautiful she looked and how happy she felt. I think it’s safe to say that one of my favourite aspects of my training was learning how to use various coaching tools to help my clients nurture themselves with self-love while embracing their perfect imperfections.

If I could share one piece of career advice with anyone thinking about becoming a professional Style Coach™, it would be to continuously develop and improve yourself. To practice, learn, and never underestimate the small steps that create that giant leap of success! When I look back on my career so far, I can see that every success I have achieved happened because of the small steps I took each and every day. My goal as a Personal Stylist and Style Coach™ is to show each client how to cultivate unshakeable confidence, become unforgettable, and discover the powerfully therapeutic effects of colour and style. With each new client, there is a new opportunity for me to share my discerning eye for fashion as well as my passion for enhancing their authentic inner beauty.

To find out more about Maha’s fashion styling work and to follow her career journey in the future, visit her website www.mahaalangari.com. You can also find Maha on Instagram where she shares daily outfit inspiration.

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We have been trusted by more than 2000 men and women, who are now some of the leading personal stylists around the world, as well as image consultants, personal shoppers and Style Coaches™. Talk to us or email us to find out more about how we can help you move powerfully and purposefully in the direction of your goals and take your career to the next level.

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