Unique Holistic Personal Stylist & Image Consultant Training

Can Anyone Become a Personal Stylist or Certified Style Coach™?

We are an award-winning, tried & tested company with a well-established reputation you can trust. We offer a unique type of training not available anywhere else. Our prestigious courses teach you how to help others discover & express their personal style, love the skin they’re in, and enhance their inner & outer beauty.

Success Story: Sara Anson / York Fashion Week

Success Story: Dagmar Gabulova

Speak to Our Learning Advisors

We have been trusted by more than 2000 men and women, who are now some of the leading personal stylists around the world, as well as image consultants, personal shoppers and Style Coaches™. Talk to us or email us to find out more about how we can help you move powerfully and purposefully in the direction of your goals and take your career to the next level.

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