Unique Holistic Personal Stylist & Image Consultant Training

Milan, Italy

Registration Open Now For Zoom + Live Training Days in 2025

Milan, Italy

Enrolling Now
  • Next Course Commences: 2025 (Dates TBC)
  • Our courses in Italy are hosted Live on Zoom with 2 practical training days hosted in Milan.
Join the only Licensed Training Provider for Italy, Ivana Gasto, for your authentic Style Coach™ diploma course at SLB Coaching Academy in Milan, Italy. Here, you can study in Italian to become an officially licensed and certified Style Coach™. Enjoy exclusive benefits like a practical 'personal shopping trip' to one of Milan's luxury shopping districts and have full support from Ivana to master unique coaching skills that will set you apart from other personal stylists & image consultants in your region.

About our Course
“Believe in your worth and your talent” – this is the philosophy of the SLB Coaching Academy, an innovative academy in its style and content, consisting of people who believe in you!

Ivana Gasto’s team consists of professional experts with various backgrounds in Training, Communication, Marketing, Coaching, Image Consulting and beauty. They guarantee a highly-specialised training which unites passion, creativity and professionality. The SLB Coaching Academy is supported by years of international courses, research and ongoing updating of their skills, together with a solid experience ‘on the job’. What was their passion is now their mission and they carry out their work every day with enthusiasm. In this same spirit, they transmit skills, competence and experience to you, tomorrow’s professionals.

Now, more than ever, it is important to be specialised in any field in which one wishes to operate. It can make all the difference to add new skills and qualifications to your profession, enabling you to access a wider market and reach your full potential!

Maximum number of participants: 12
Who is the Style Coach™ Diploma Course for?
The course is ideal for Life Coaches, Image and Colour Consultants, Make-up artists and Hair Stylists, Store Managers, Fashion Professionals, Personal Shoppers, Beauty Professionals, and all those who want to approach Style Coaching™ for the first time!
large Style coaching Association official logo
Un Team di professionisti per sviluppare il Tuo Talento
Credere nel tuo valore e nel tuo talento: è questa la filosofia della SLB Coaching Academy . Un’Accademia innovativa nello stile e nei contenuti, composta da persone che credono in te.

Il mio team è composto da professionisti provenienti dal settore Formazione, Comunicazione, Marketing, Coaching, Consulenza d’Immagine ed esperti in beauty. Garantiamo una formazione altamente specializzata che coniuga passione, creatività e professionalità.

Abbiamo alle spalle anni di studi internazionali, di ricerca e di formazione continua uniti a una lunga esperienza sul “campo”. Siamo persone che hanno fatto della loro passione il loro lavoro e lo svolgiamo quotidianamente con entusiasmo con lo stesso spirito trasmettiamo a voi professionisti di domani capacità, competenza ed esperienza.

Oggi più che mai diventa sempre più importante avere una specializzazione in qualsiasi campo si operi. Fare la differenza e aggiungere abilità alla professione, dà la possibilità di rivolgersi ad un mercato più ampio.

Numero massimo partecipanti: 12
A chi è rivolto il nostro corso…
Life Coach, Consulenti d’immagine e del Colore, Make-up artist e Hair Dresser, Store Manager, Professionisti del fashion, Personal shopper, Professionisti del Beauty. A tutti coloro che vogliono avvicinarsi per la prima volta allo Style Coach™.

When you become a Style Coach™ you learn how to be an image consultant as well as a Life Coach, plus you learn Personal Branding, Image Management, Personal Grooming, Personal Shopping, Colour Consultancy, Wardrobe Styling, and even Self-Image Psychology. Our holistic course topics are totally unique and unlike anything offered by other image consultant trainers!

Please note that the exact schedule of topics that will be covered during the live training days in Italy can vary. The most important ‘visual’ / ‘practical’ lessons are covered during the live classes, while topics that are easy to study by yourself are allocated to the online stages at the beginning and end of the program.

Here is a brief overview of the topics you can expect to learn about during the Style Coach™ Diploma Course:

  • Style Coaching™ versus personal styling & image consultancy
  • Style Coaching™ resources to give your sessions a professional edge
  • Style versus Fashion
  • Style Personalities
  • Breaking out of ‘style ruts’
  • Simple yet powerful life coaching tools
  • Budget planning for your clients
  • Life coaching skills & basic self-image psychology
  • How to empower your clients with positive body-image
  • Connecting with the inner-self-image & the authentic self
  • Challenging self-limiting beliefs & overcoming self-doubt
  • Body shape analysis
  • How to integrate life coaching skills into the personal styling process
  • Rapport-building
  • Recognising incorrectly fitted garments
  • Choosing foundation wear
  • Personal styling for tall, petite, and plus-size clients
  • How to choose shoes & accessories
  • Professional wardrobe auditing
  • Psychology of wardrobe decluttering
  • Non-verbal communication, body language & facial expressions
  • Common image consultancy mistakes
  • Mastering the art of personal shopping
  • Personal grooming, inc. hair, makeup and skin care for a complete image makeover
  • Face shapes, eyebrow shapes, lip shapes & eye shapes
  • Basic makeup application & haircare routines
  • ‘Top-to-Toe Care Plan’
  • How to look & feel ‘Fab after 50’
  • Positive aging
  • Personal styling for men (complete)
  • Colour analysis for men
  • Personal grooming for men
  • Understanding your client’s needs and values
  • Confidence coaching
  • Advanced Colour Analysis Training (inc. how to work with Caucasian, African and Asian skin tones)
  • Complete Personal Stylist Business Training
  • How to ‘Speak Like A Stylist’

For more details about what you will learn, we recommend chatting with our representative for Italy, Ivana Gasto. Please see ‘Contact Details’ above.

When you arrive in Milan, you’ll receive a beautiful set of training books to keep. The primary training guides are presented in Italian, but you also have the option of choosing English text books, if you prefer. All students will have access to our eLearning Platform where you can view your course modules online – anytime, anywhere, using your preferred device. The printed training books are ideal if you prefer studying offline, with the option of writing notes and highlighting key points.

Introducing our eLearning Platform…
Our cutting-edge eLearning Platform is where you’ll be able to access all your online training resources (a wide selection of PDFs, videos & audio files). As well as insightful reading, we also have several audio and video tutorials presented by Tracey & Kate Redmond from our Great British HQ. Tracey and Kate guide you through a series of light-hearted clothing demonstrations and style personality lessons, which are packed full of invaluable styling tips and expert advice for ‘mixing and matching’.

Also in the eLearning Platform, you will find an exclusive ‘Business & Career Pack’. This digital folder is packed full of invaluable resources for your personal styling business – for example: template promotional materials, trademarked Certified Style Coach™ logos, printable ‘Season Selector™’, ‘Check My Colours™’ and body shape analysis tools (which are also designed for sharing across multiple devices), shareable info-booklets, top-rated educational articles from the International Association of Style Coaches™, and so much more! We even include over 50 uniquely designed exercises, forms and questionnaires to enable qualified Style Coaches™ to effortlessly integrate powerful coaching tools and techniques into every session with their clients.

Each module of your course is clearly presented and you will be able to progress through your studies with an easy ‘step-by-step’ format. The course is updated on a regular basis to keep it current, and is presented in full-colour with modern and inspiring images and infographics so your learning is fun and engaging! Through the eLearning Platform, you can also complete all your assignments, send messages to your course facilitator, and open discussions in our Q&A forum.

Next upcoming Course Dates
  • First module: Join us Live on Zoom
  • Second module: 2 live training days in Milan (dates to be confirmed) + 6 weeks online
  • Final exam
Inizio corso:
  • Primo modulo: unisciti a noi su Zoom
  • Secondo modulo: 2 giorni di formazione in classe + 6 settimane online
  • Esame finale


* We recommend contacting us for full information about upcoming dates and course availability. Grazie e desideriamo che tu rimanga al sicuro.

To find out more about our Style Coach™ Diploma Courses in Italy, including upcoming dates, pricing enquiries and availability, please contact our representative for the region.

Style Coaching Institute® Italy:
Ivana Gasto, SLB Coaching Academy


info@slbcoachingacademy.it / info@stylecoachinginstitute.com

Associated Courses

Style Coach™ Diploma Italy

Enrolling Now
  • Next Course Commences: 2025 (Dates TBC)
  • Our courses in Italy are hosted Live on Zoom with 2 practical training days hosted in Milan.

Join the only Licensed Training Provider for Italy, Ivana Gasto, for your authentic Style Coach™ diploma course at SLB Coaching Academy in Milan, Italy. Here, you can study in Italian to become an officially licensed and certified Style Coach™. Enjoy exclusive benefits like a practical ‘personal shopping trip’ to one of Milan’s luxury shopping districts and have full support from Ivana to master unique coaching skills that will set you apart from other personal stylists & image consultants in your region.

  1. Quotes From Our Students & Graduates

    “Ti posso tranquillamente consigliare il "Style Coaching Institute" in quanto si tratta di una scuola molto seria e il materiale che offrono e' eccellente. Avendo fatto il corso per corrispondenza, hai sempre il tuo "mentor" pronto a darti consigli ed aiutarti in casi di bisogno, anche dopo aver ricevuto il diploma, non sei mai da sola per iniziare il tuo business. C'e' sempre un filo diretto fra te e la scuola. La comunicazione e' ottima cosi' come la loro professionalita.”
    Ramona Laffranchi
  1. Quotes From Our Students & Graduates

    “Taking the Style Coaching™ course was like being a client myself: I learned a lot about my own style, what works for me & my body shape, colouring & lifestyle. The coaching sections really helped me challenge my negative self-beliefs & overcome obstacles. Going through the course made me more empathically connected to my clients & I am completely convinced that it is highly effective! I believe that what I am now able to teach my clients is not a momentary makeover, but a lifelong change that makes a meaningful difference.”
    Cecile Flieger
  1. Quotes From Our Students & Graduates

    “This course is very special & I was drawn to the holistic approach towards style & image. Having previously been a psychotherapist who worked with women with eating disorders & severe body-image issues, I was impressed by their delicate care in addressing the importance of self-acceptance & self-love as the foundation to our personal style. Before starting, I was a bit concerned about it being an online course, but my concerns were quickly alleviated. My mentor was eager to help & provided many useful suggestions. I also found the eLearning Platform to be well-presented & clear. I loved that I could do it at my own pace. If you desire to help people from the inside out, then this is the course for you!”
    Francesca Dattilo
  1. Quotes From Our Students & Graduates

    “Taking the Style Coach™ Diploma Course has been such a wonderful experience! I would rate it as an absolute 5 stars. It was great to be able to learn such a complete approach, integrating both outer & inner confidence. It has been such a great journey!”
    Vicky Zorilla

Why Choose Us?

We are a tried & tested company with a well-established reputation you can trust. We offer a unique type of training not available anywhere else. Our prestigious courses teach you how to help others discover & express their personal style, love the skin they’re in, and enhance their inner & outer beauty.

Speak to Our Learning Advisors

We have been trusted by more than 2000 men and women, who are now some of the leading personal stylists around the world, as well as image consultants, personal shoppers and Style Coaches™. Talk to us or email us to find out more about how we can help you move powerfully and purposefully in the direction of your goals and take your career to the next level.

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